Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Philosophy Minor
The minor in philosophy consists of 15 semester hours of philosophy classes (listed below). You may choose any of the classes listed below to compose the 15 hours.
Declaring the minor in philosophy. In the dropdown menu, “I declare my major and/or concentration to be” select “Declaring Minor(s) Only – No Major Change”, then choose your minor(s) in the next dropdown menu(s) for “1st minor” and “2nd minor”. The minor will also be indicated when you complete your Upper Division Form (which will be specific to your major).
Current Course Offerings in Philosophy
PHIL 1030 – Introduction to Philosophy
3 credit hours
Basic philosophical problems suggested by everyday experience integrated into a coherent philosophy of life through comparison with solutions offered by prominent philosophers. TBR Common Course: PHIL 1030
PHIL 2110 – Elementary Logic and Critical Thinking
3 credit hours
Principles of deductive and inductive reasoning, problem solving, and the analysis of arguments in everyday language.
PHIL 3120 – Perspectives on Science and Math
3 credit hours
Readings, discussions, and activities associated with history and philosophy of science and mathematics.
PHIL 3150 – Ethics
3 credit hours
Examines major ethical theories, the moral nature of human beings, and the meaning of good and right and applies ethical theories to resolving moral problems in personal and professional lives.
PHIL 3160 – Philosophy of Happiness
3 credit hours
Examines the concept of human happiness and its application in everyday living as discussed since antiquity by philosophers, psychologists, writers, spiritual leaders, and contributors to popular culture.
PHIL 3170 – Ethics and Computing Technology
3 credit hours
Exposes students to the fundamentals of ethical theory and familiarizes them with some of the practical, ethical, and legal issues with which they would have to deal as computer scientists.
PHIL 3200 – Asian Thought
3 credit hours
The origins, development, essence, and implications of leading philosophical-religious traditions originating in Asia.
PHIL 3300 – Philosophy of Religion
3 credit hours
Examines issues of religious experience, religious knowledge, faith and reason, the existence and nature of God, evil, religious diversity, life after death.
PHIL 3310 – Atheism and Philosophy
3 credit hours
Examines various philosophical perspectives on atheism, understood as the belief that no transcendent creator deity exists, and that there are no supernatural causes of natural events. Compares and contrasts this belief with familiar alternatives (including theism, agnosticism, and humanism), considers the spiritual significance of atheism, and explores implications for ethics and religion.
PHIL 3340 – Environmental Ethics
3 credit hours
Examines the relation of humans to the rest of nature, clarifying the relevant ethical issues and exploring from various perspectives their application to present and future ecological concerns.
PHIL 3345 – Bioethics
3 credit hours
Explores ethical issues arising from the practice of medical therapeutics, from the development of new biomedical technologies, and more largely from reflections on life’s meaning and prospects in the face of changing modalities of intervention fostered particularly by the various life sciences.
PHIL 3350 – American Philosophy, British Roots: A Walk Across the Pond
3 credit hours
Explores the living legacy of ancient peripatetic pedagogy as expressed in American Pragmatist and British Empiricist philosophies of experience.
PHIL 3500 – Philosophy, Race, and Society
3 credit hours
Examines sociopolitical and existential concerns of African Americans, especially in respect to issues of justice, equality, and the very meaning of life in a world of anti-black racism, against the backdrop of “enlightenment” philosophical discourse on race and personhood.
PHIL 3600 – Philosophy and Film
3 credit hours
Examination of the cinematic expression of philosophical issues and development of philosophical issues in cinema.
PHIL 3690 – Social Philosophy
3 credit hours
The main problems of social philosophy are surveyed: the distinctive nature of social reality and the nature of social knowledge and how they relate to value theory.
PHIL 4010 – History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: PHIL 1030 or permission of instructor. The development of philosophical thought from Thales to Occam. Offered fall only.
PHIL 4020 – History of Modern Philosophy
3 credit hours
The development of philosophical thought from Hobbes to Hegel. Offered spring only.
PHIL 4050 – Nineteenth-Century Philosophy
3 credit hours
Emphasis on movements such as German idealism, the rise of the philosophy of the social sciences, historical materialism, utilitarianism, and early critiques of modernism.
PHIL 4100 – Aesthetics
3 credit hours
The nature of art, aesthetic experience, and artistic creation.
PHIL 4130 – Philosophy and Literature
3 credit hours
Explores philosophical questions about literature, philosophical themes in literature, and differing assessments of the relation of philosophical to literary texts.
PHIL 4150 – Formal Logic
3 credit hours
The nature and methods of formal deductive logic, truth functional logic, quantification theory, identity relations, propositional calculus.
PHIL 4200 – Existentialism
3 credit hours
The nature, significance, and application of the teachings of several outstanding existential thinkers.
PHIL 4240 – Recent Continental Philosophy
3 credit hours
The critical examination of various movements and key figures in recent European philosophy.
PHIL 4250 – Philosophy of Gender
3 credit hours
Examines major work in contemporary feminist philosophy and feminist theory, with particular emphasis on the relation of sex and gender, feminist accounts of inquiry, feminist ethical issues, and feminist aesthetics.
PHIL 4300 – American Philosophy
3 credit hours
Development of American thought with emphasis on naturalism, idealism, and pragmatism.
PHIL 4350 – Philosophy of Language
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: PHIL 2110 recommended. Introduces students to the most influential analyses of meaning, reference, and truth of early twentieth-century Anglo-American philosophy; explores how the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein transforms canonical accounts of language; considers the role of metaphor in human communication and understanding.
PHIL 4400 – Analytic Philosophy
3 credit hours
Examines twentieth-century analytic movement including logical atomism, logical positivism, indeterminacy semantics, ordinary language philosophy.
PHIL 4450 – Marx and Marxism
3 credit hours
An examination of the development of Marxist philosophy up to and including the present.
PHIL 4500 – Philosophy of Science
3 credit hours
The methods, problems, and presuppositions of scientific inquiry.
PHIL 4550 – Philosophy of Mind
3 credit hours
Classical philosophy of mind (emphases: the mind-body problem, theories of consciousness) and contemporary applications of philosophy to psychology (emphases: logic and cognition, emotion and reason, artificial intelligence).
PHIL 4560 – Philosophy of Music
3 credit hours
Examines issues in both traditional philosophies of music and contemporary philosophies of music making and musical perception.
PHIL 4600 – Philosophy of History
3 credit hours
Nature of historical knowledge and problems of historical inquiry; meaning and value of history; reality of the past; historical determinism and human freedom.
PHIL 4800 – Readings in Philosophy
3 credit hours
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Directed study concerning a particular philosophical problem or thinker.
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Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
P.O. Box 73
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132-0073
Phone: (615) 898-2907